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Monday, 15 July 2013

It's hot, hot hot!!!

So my car registered a temperature of 38 degrees this afternoon!!!!!!!  I'm guessing on the outside it's more like 30 but OMG it feels like about 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poor Marley, he is soooo hot, he is panting permanently (and that's not annoying much!!!!!) and loves coming out in the car for a drive just for the aircon!  And every time I turn around his water bowl is empty again!!!!!!!!

It doesn't seem to be bothering the kittens though!  Dotty very kindly brought in a half dead bird for them today, Ringo was like a ferrell cat I had to prise it off him to rescue it!  However Dotty has just returned with it and is now under Bobby's bed where I can't get to her, so I will have to deal with the left overs later!!!

Little Beauties!  Only a week to go till they can go woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep cool everyone!!!!!!


The REAL Marley and Me xx


  1. It's getting hotter by the minute here, too! Barley has been spending almost all day under the bed in her little dog cave. Even when we wake up early to walk, she's dragging me home after a mile or so.

    I admire your ability to deal with dead birds! A robin hit my window this weekend and was in the yard stunned. Thank goodness Soth is a 100% indoor kitty because he wanted that bird so badly. He was pacing and chirping in the window and I do not handle dead critters well.

  2. I take Bella out really early before it gets too hot and then she flakes out until the afternoon.I wish I could 'inzip' her furry coat poor thing!
    So sad that cats have to go for the birds :(
    Take care..and keep cool!

    Bellaboo X
