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Monday, 3 December 2012

It wasn't me!!!

I always think I have been quite lucky because Marley has never chewed furniture!  He does however eat everything in sight, he will often vomit what he has eaten and then re-eat it just for good measure!!!  I was looking through my phone at the weekend and found the photo of the chewed cat food tins that I talked about in my first post - this is what was left of them by the time I got home!!

He has done this on more than one occasion and so the tins are now barricaded in a kitchen cupboard along with the food waste bin and the washing powder - yes he had this off the side once, not sure if he ate any!!!!!!

Marley will also eat inanimate objects too!  He doesn't just chew, he EATS EVERYTHING!!!!  This is a picture of the latest victim - look at the innocence on his face!!

This was a toy dog that he stole from Bobby's bed, thankfully it was not precious and in fact Bob has not even realised it has gone!!!

I eventually realised (after 2 years) that the only way to save everything in my house is to make sure he can't get it, there is just no stopping him, he is nearly 5ft tall on his back legs and can reach everything and now that he has learnt how open the internal doors I have no choice but to block all the entrances and exits!!!

In fact as I sit here writing this, Marley is next to me dragging items of washing from basket that I have to keep retrieving from him to stop him from consuming any!!!!

My sunday morning wake up call!

Charlie walking Marley for the first time this weekend (will talk about anti-pulling training tomorrow!!)


The REAL Marley and me xx

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